Sunday, November 11, 2012


slices of goat cheese marinate in
oil and spices for 1 week

I used a blend of fresh and dried herbs


This is NOT an exact science, feel free to play.  Here's what I used:

4 small logs of goat cheese (next time I'll try mozzarella)
4 garlic cloves, sliced
3 sprigs rosemary
3 sprigs thyme
2 bay leaves
1 Tbsp. black peppercorns
fresh lemon rind
2 tsp. capers, drained
Virgin olive oil to fill the jar


Carefully cut the goat-cheese logs into rounds.  This is easier to do when the cheese is cold.

Place half the herbs, spices and garlic in the jar.  Carefully add the cheese rounds, alternating with the remaining herbs and spices.

Fill the jar completely with olive oil.  Cover and refrigerate for 1 week.

To serve, bring the goat cheese to room temperature.  Serve with crackers or even better yet, spooned over warm bread.

tip:  assemble the ingredients while the cheese stays cold
also, brush a bit of oil on each slice so they don't stick together in the jar

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