Saturday, March 31, 2012


broccoli and pasta simmer together
pasta shells work really well in catching the sauce in every bite


2 (6.5 oz) chopped clams, reserve liquid
4 cloves garlic
1/4 cup oil
1 (8 oz) bottle clam juice
1 tsp. basil
1 Tbsp. fresh parsley
dash pepper
whole wheat pasta (1/2 to 1 box)
1 head broccoli, cut in flowerettes


In medium saucepan, cook garlic in oil until tender.  Add reserved clam liquid, clam juice, basil and parsley pepper.  When almost ready to serve, add clams and heat to serve, about 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare water for pasta.  When boiling add pasta AND broccoli pieces.  Cook until pasta is tender.   Serve the clam mixture over hot cooked pasta and broccoli.  Stir all together.  Serve with vegan Parmesan cheese.
I always eat way too much of this!

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