Tuesday, June 12, 2012


A recent article stated that with obesity moving off the radar screen, there is a promise of a new obesity drug. 

The report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that 42% of American adults will be obese, including 11% defined as "severely obese" by 2030.  Ironically, this report coincides with the news that the Federal Transit Administration is going to start testing the breaking and steering capabilities of buses due to heavier riders.  Months before, the Coast Guard lowered certain ferry boat capacity limits for the same reason.

HBO aired a 4 part documentary called Weight of a Nation:

Children in Crisis

HBO has also developed a website and Facebook page designed to help people get involved in the solution.  Their clever subtitle:  To win, we have to lose."


check it out!!!!

PS:  The REAL question is:  WHY won't people just eat more nutritious foods (Dr. Fuhrman / Eat To Live) and STOP eating the snacks and horrid fast food?  NO drugs necessary!  Adapt a better life style.

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